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53rd Annual Candlelight Service

Battle House at Blue Ridge School

Blue Ridge School Festival of Lessons and Carols

The Fifty-third Annual Service of Lessons and Carols took place on Sunday, December 11, 2016, in the Gibson Memorial Chapel. This Episcopalian tradition began in 1880 when Bishop Benson of the English Diocese of Truro drew up a Festival of Lessons and Carols as a way of including Christians from different traditions in his cathedral’s Christmas worship. In 1918, Eric Milner-White, the dean of King’s College, Cambridge, adapted Bishop Benson’s Lessons and Carols as the Christmas Eve service for his college chapel. It has now been adopted by Christians throughout the world.

The Blue Ridge School Lessons and Carols included hymns sung by the choir and congregation as well as instrumental and individual vocal performances. The Rev. Anne West officiated while Mr. Will McGreal directed the choir. Mr. Mike Vinson directed the instrumental music offerings, and Mrs. DeAnna Atkinson directed the children’s choir. Mr. James Niederberger served as organist. It was a special treat that Trustee Emeritus Mr. Turley Higgins, father of Trey Higgins ’86, was the featured guest organist.

The Readers:

Bidding Prayer – Headmaster William Trip Darrin
1st Lesson – Mr. John Young
2nd Lesson – Albert Che, Student Body President
3rd Lesson – Katiso Tlelima, Student Representative
4th Lesson – Jaab Veskijkul, President of the Junior Class
5th Lesson – Bryce Aylor, President of the Sophomore Class
6th Lesson – Mr. Jerry Jared

Mike Vinson, Haedun Kim, Tony Jin, Janice Brasted and AJ Jansen

Justin Armwood, Connor Barth, Taku Endo, Franck Germain, Declan Keegan, Juan Mareco, Kyle McCurley, Kamryn, Norwood-Blackwell, Kellam Lloyd, In Yong Song, Harrison Strickler, Alex Tembo, Tramell Thompson, Katiso Tlelima, Jaab Veskijkul, Tyler Wills

Silent Night:
Kella Lemcke, Caroline Bruton, Tessa Darrin, Marla Bruton, Terry Bennett, Karen Fink and Kate Daniels

Children’s Choir:
Coralee and Clara Atkinson, Mergen and Minjin Peterson, Caroline and Maddie Bruton, Cohen, Kella and Caris Lemcke, Parker and Edmund Woods, Tessa and Jake Darrin, Eva and Stella Kozloski

For photos, click here. For videos, click here.
