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Holiday Volunteer Opportunities

Battle House at Blue Ridge School

On Friday, December 2, the varsity basketball team volunteered at the Charlottesville Toy Lift in Fashion Square. The event’s service area includes the city of Charlottesville and the counties of Albemarle, Buckingham, Fluvanna, Greene and Nelson. The group provides toys and books to area children ages newborn through 14 years of age.

The team members helped unload and load at the toy distribution center.

This charity supports local families through volunteerism, community cooperation, morale building, and educational tools. They provide that support through the Toy Lift, and Kids and Cops Holiday Shop.

On Friday, December 9, several students accompanied Associate Headmaster Franklin Daniels to Charlottesville to help the Blue Ridge Mountain Rotary Club at Farmington in their long tradition of ringing bells for Salvation Army kettles around Charlottesville. The boys were Jahlil Puryear, Elliott Appleman, Josh Toston, Jarad Chouai, Selby Morgan and A.J. Jansen.

On Sunday, December 11, 31 boys participated in the Parent Association’s fund-raiser, Shop With a Baron. This project raised funds so that our boys could help a child in need buy gifts for his or her family. The Parent Association thanks Leslie Strickler (Harrison ’17) and Kristie Jamrozek (Kris Deane ’19) for their help in organizing this event.

Members of the Honor Council have been raising money for needy children in the area as well. For 39 years, Blue Ridge School has participated in the Greene County Women’s Club’s fund-raising project.
